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Runtime image configuration

A runtime image configuration identifies a container image that Elyra can utilize to run Jupyter notebooks or scripts on a container platform, such as Kubernetes.


A runtime image configuration is associated with a container image that must meet these prerequisites:

  • The image is stored in a container registry in a public or private network that the container platform in which the pipeline is executed can connect to. Examples of such registries are or a self-managed registry in an intranet environment.
  • The image can be pulled from the registry without the need to authenticate.
  • The image must have a current Python 3 version pre-installed and in the search path.
  • The image must have curl pre-installed and in the search path.

You can manage runtime image configurations using the JupyterLab UI or the Elyra CLI.

Managing runtime image configurations using the JupyterLab UI

Runtime image configurations can be added, modified, and removed in the Runtime Images panel.

Runtime Images UI

To access the panel in JupyterLab:

  • Click the Open Runtime Images button in the pipeline editor toolbar.

    Open panel from pipeline editor toolbar


  • Select the Runtime Images panel from the JupyterLab sidebar.

    Open panel from sidebar


  • Open the JupyterLab command palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + C) and search for Manage Runtime Images.

    Open panel from command palette

Adding a runtime image configuration

To add a runtime image configuration:

  • Click + to add a runtime image.
  • Add the runtime image properties as appropriate.

Modifying a runtime image configuration

To edit a runtime image configuration:

  • Click the edit icon next to the runtime image name.
  • Modify the runtime image properties as desired.

Deleting a runtime image configuration

To delete a runtime image configuration:

  • Click the delete icon next to the runtime image name.
  • Confirm deletion.

Managing runtime image configurations using the Elyra CLI

Runtime image configurations can be added, replaced, and removed with the elyra-metadata command line interface.

To list runtime image configurations:

$ elyra-metadata list runtime-images
Available metadata instances for runtime-images (includes invalid):
Schema Instance Resource
------ -------- --------
runtime-image anaconda /Users/jdoe/.../jupyter/metadata/runtime-images/anaconda.json

Adding a runtime configuration

To add a runtime image configuration for the public jdoe/my-image:1.0.0 container image:

$ elyra-metadata install runtime-images --schema_name=runtime-image \
--name="my_image_name" \
--display_name="My runtime image" \
--description="My custom runtime container image" \

Modifying a runtime configuration

To replace a runtime image configuration append the --replace option:

$ elyra-metadata install runtime-images --schema_name=runtime-image \
--name="my_image_name" \
--display_name="My runtime image" \
--description="My other custom runtime container image" \
--image_name="jdoe/my-other-image:1.0.1" \

Deleting a runtime configuration

To delete a runtime image configuration:

$ elyra-metadata remove runtime-images \

Configuration properties

The runtime image configuration properties are defined as follows. The string in the headings below, which is enclosed in parentheses, denotes the CLI option name.

Name (display_name)

A user-friendly name for runtime image configuration. This property is required.

Example: My runtime image

Description (description)

Description for this runtime image configuration.

Example: My custom runtime container image

Image Name (image_name)

The name and tag of an existing container image in a public container registry that meets the stated prerequisites. This property is required.


  • jdoe/my-image:1.0.0

Providing only owner/image:tag uses default registry: Docker Hub registry

In general for other public container registries, the URL shall contain also registry, therefore the complete URL to be used in this case is: registry/owner/image:tag



Image Pull Policy (pull_policy)

This field will be the pull policy of the image when the image is selected to be part of the pipeline. This field is optional and not required to run a pipeline. If not selected, the behavior will default to that of the kubernetes cluster. The three options are : Always IfNotPresent Never


  • IfNotPresent

This example will tell the kubelet to only pull the image if it does not exist.

N/A (name)

A unique internal identifier for the runtime image configuration. The property is required when the command line interface is used manage a configuration. An identifier is automatically generated from the user-friendly name when a configuration is added using the UI.

Example: my_runtime_image